Uncategorized Dave Davis Uncategorized Dave Davis

It's Never Too Early to Plan

So what are you doing next summer?  I'll be running two ASB Workshops for teachers, and the planning is already underway.

Dates will be announced in a couple of weeks.  Registration will open in December.  And yes, since it's an "even" year, that means the Returners Only Workshop will be back.

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Our plans include providing new challenges for those who come back for a second, third, fourth, even tenth time.  We like to add fresh, hands-on assignments, and may throw in a day trip this time.  You can also count on a lot of new sessions the AM, plus the "work stuff" in the PM.

Now a special appeal to print teachers who are hoping to add video to their programs, and punch up their websites.  The workshop for first-time attendees will give you plenty of ideas, and yes, experience, that should help you understand more about video production and broadcast journalism.  We hope to see some of you next summer here in Springfield, MO.

The ASB Workshop started in the summer of 2000 as "Camp STN."  We have never missed a year since, even when the economy tanked, and school districts reined in teacher travel.  The last couple of summers we have had tremendous response.  We hope you will start making plans to join us.  It is a chance to be a student again, among colleagues just like you.  

As always, our focus is all about telling a story.  


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