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New Events Highlight 4-State Conference

The ASB 4-State Conference the first weekend of November is offering a lot of contests and two dynamic tracks of breakout sessions.  

There will be presentations throughout the event by professionals, teachers, and even students from the 4-state region, all falling under two categories:  Journalism or Production.  Expect to be challenged and inspired by both.  Students and teachers can choose which sessions to attend, and you can not go wrong with either one.  Suggestion:  Mix it up.  Visit both rooms.

On the contest side of the conference, we are excited to offer some of the standard broadcast and video production events you expect these days:  Anchoring, Broadcast News Writing, Stand-Ups, and PSA.  But there is so much more, including:

Finish the Film, a day-long event where students receive a short script with Act I and Act II, and after shooting that, they choose how to "finish the film."  

Sports Roundtable, where three students receive sports topics currently in the news, get a little time to do some fast research, then they discuss and debate those topics like they do on ESPN and other sports networks.  

Snapchat Reporter is a new event challenging students to produce ten stories about the ASB conference.  

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Radio Story is just what it suggests...a story produced for the ear, not the eyes.  Writing, and natural sound are key to this one.  Judges will be listening closely.

Those are just a few of the exciting, and different events we are sponsoring at the 4-State.  Sign up soon, get your rooms reserved at the University Plaza Hotel, and let's have a great weekend in Springfield.  

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