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ASB Adds New Pre-Workshop Software Training

The 2017 ASB Workshop for broadcast and video teachers will for the first time provide a day of hands-on training on the Adobe Premiere editing software.

This optional session will run from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 9 at Hillcrest High School.  At the same time, Final Cut Pro X training will be offered as it has in the past, during the same exact hours at Hillcrest.  The actual workshop begins at 6 p.m. on the 9th, also at HHS.

"We are happy to add the new training, and think it will really help more teachers have a great week at the workshop," said ASB Business Manager Martha Davis, who reminds teachers that they can sign up for either optional session during the regular workshop registration process.

While the workshop can provide editing computers for Final Cut Pro X, teachers who opt for the Adobe Premiere session are reminded they must provide their own software and laptop for that training.

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