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Bell Ringer #3


The ASB Bell Ringer exercises are quick, mini-lessons designed to jump start a class period.

Category:  Research/Brainstorming/Localizing

Materials:  Cell phone or online computer

Assignment Part One: Take just five minutes to find out as much as you can about a topic, and then suggest angles to take as you “localize” the story for your audience.  Ready?  Go!

Topic: Something from today’s national, international or regional news, selected by the teacher (i.e. tornado in Kansas, political scandal, a protest, a dangerous new drug, a controversial law, etc.)

Assignment Part Two:  Students call out information they feel should be reported based on their research (who, what, where, when, why, how, other details) and who in your area they could try to interview.  

Result:  By the time you research and list all the information students found in five minutes, and their suggestions for interview subjects, you have the making of a “localized story” based on a regional, national or international news topic.  

NEXT: If you have time, have the kids suggest visuals you could include.

Lesson: This exercise helps students to think quickly about the logistics of how a story comes together. It shows them how to “localize” an otherwise broad story. This may also spark story ideas for your program

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