JEA/NSPA Boston Sessions
If you haven't heard, Dave Davis and will be conducting four sessions and one all-day bootcamp at the Fall 2013 JEA/NSPA Journalism Convention in Boston, MA next month. Session details below. We look forward to seeing you in November!
Advanced Broadcast & Video Boot Camp
Thursday, November 14th - 8:30am - 5:00pm - Liberty Ballroom C, Sheraton
For students and advisers with experience creating broadcast news packages. The session will cover advanced tips and tricks, including how to find unique stories and angles, getting out of a writing rut (how to stay fresh), and ideas for dynamic videography and sound. Students will put their new knowledge to use by producing a short package during the session.
Friday, November 15, 10:00am - 10:50am - Hampton, Sheraton
Three seemingly unrelated elements that can make your show so much better, and give your stories more impact. Come see what we are talking about in this session designed for broadcast journalism students and teachers.
Intro to Videography
Friday, November 15th, 11:00am - 11:50am - Hampton, Sheraton
This session is designed especially for the video newbie and the advisor who wants to learn new techniques for teaching the basics of video. This 50-minute session will cover the basics of video gear, composition, sequences, shooting for the edit, and many more practical tips for shooting in the field.
News Documentary and Investigative Reporting
Saturday, November 16, 9:00am - 9:50am - Hampton, Sheraton
How and why your students should produce long-format news stories. Covers differences between short (2 minutes) stories and long (5-6 minutes) stories, choice of topic, research, workflow and more.
Advanced Story Structure for Broadcast
Saturday, November 16, 11:00am - 11:50am - Hampton, Sheraton
You've mastered the basic news story, but are looking for new ways to keep it fresh and dynamic. This session will use examples to discuss advanced techniques for organizing your information, how to get and use great sound bites, and how to play off of b-roll.