STN: My Five Goals

It was my pleasure to be the chairman of the first five STN Conventions from 2004-2008.  I was a full-time broadcast teacher in Missouri, running a national convention in LA, trying my best to pull it all together and keep my HTV world in tact.  After the fifth one, I was able to step away knowing the event was in good hands, healthy, and not going away.

The conflict with our spring break usually makes it hard to get kids signed up.  But this year, we are in, and I am excited to see friends and enjoy a few days in Music City.

                                                                Image from the studentete…                                                                Image from the studentete…

                                                                Image from the website

I would like to share some of my goals for my group as we head head to STN.  Maybe it will help some teachers attending for the first time.  Anyway...


1--Soak up the atmosphere.  Just take in the site of 3,000 or so kids and teachers who are really into video production and broadcasting.  It is something to see (and hear).  Lots of energy, lots of fun.

2--Listen to the messages of the speakers.  Really listen when the great Boyd Huppert does his keynote address.  STN gets some great professionals to contribute--like Les Rose, a regular presenter at the event--and it would be silly not to soak in all they have to say.

3--Meet other teachers, get that "community vibe" that large events like this make possible.  We are all in this together, teachers, since most of us are a department of one at our schools.  

4--For your students entered in the contests, make deadline.  That is goal number one.  Do not focus on winning an award.  Instead, focus on meeting the assignment to the best of your ability.  The thing about subjectively-judged contests, like ALL journalism and video contests, even the Emmys and the Oscars, is that human beings will decide if your entry is the best.  You can not please everyone, so just please yourself with the best entry you can create, but really, JUST MEET DEADLINE, because the clock is always ticking. 

5--See the city.  When you have time, tour Nashville and see what it's all about.  There are great things to do, lots of opportunities you should consider taking advantage of as plans are made for the trip.  

Those are five pretty basic goals.  No need to over think some of it.  Students should be reminded to behave and just follow the rules.  To be good sports.  Teachers, let the kids sink or swim in the on-sites.  And if you entered a Crazy Eight contest, dive in and have some fun as a group.  This is a once a year opportunity.  ENJOY IT.


Dave Davis

Dave Davis started a Broadcast Journalism class at Hillcrest High School in the fall of 1989. Since then, the school's student-produced show, "HTV Magazine," has become one of the nation's most-honored high school broadcasts.

In an effort to provide valuable, useful, hands-on instruction to broadcast teachers from across the nation, Davis founded ASB Workshop in the summer of 2000. Since then, the week-long workshop has provided training for hundreds of high school and middle school teachers from 47 states, plus Mexico, England, South Korea, and Japan.

In the spring of 2009 he was named the Springfield (MO) Public Schools Teacher of the Year. He lives in Springfield with wife Martha, and has two daughters who live and work in the area.


STN: My Takeaways


If I Can't Hear Your Story, I Don't Need to See Your Story