ASB and the New School Year
Schools are back in session in some parts of the country, and pretty much everyone will be back in a couple of weeks. Here are the highlights of what we have planned:
*The ASB 4-State Conference is happening in early November. It is for high schools in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas. You can read all about it at the 4-State link at the top of the page. What you can't read about is this SPECIAL OFFER. We have set aside four slots for schools outside the 4-State region, and we are ready to send invitation letters to those schools. Teachers, if you are interested, contact us ASAP. It is going to be a fantastic conference, and the contests are really going to be fun and educational. Registration is underway NOW.
*The annual ASB Storytelling Award will once again have an April 15 deadline, with the winner(s) announced by May 1. It is one of the fastest turn-arounds of any national contest anywhere, with rubrics and critiques provided for each entry. As always, it is a FREE event.
*ASB Workshops, of course. Next summer we will host our regular teacher workshop for first-time attendees, and we will also have our returners-only workshop here in Springfield as well. But it will feature a few surprises, as always, including a great day trip. Watch this site for dates and details.
And as for Part 3 of the "Video Coach" series...we have a plan. We have a plan.