ASB and the New School Year

Schools are back in session in some parts of the country, and pretty much everyone will be back in a couple of weeks.  Here are the highlights of what we have planned:

*The ASB 4-State Conference is happening in early November.  It is for high schools in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas.  You can read all about it at the 4-State link at the top of the page.  What you can't read about is this SPECIAL OFFER.  We have set aside four slots for schools outside the 4-State region, and we are ready to send invitation letters to those schools.  Teachers, if you are interested, contact us ASAP.  It is going to be a fantastic conference, and the contests are really going to be fun and educational.  Registration is underway NOW.

*The annual ASB Storytelling Award will once again have an April 15 deadline, with the winner(s) announced by May 1.  It is one of the fastest turn-arounds of any national contest anywhere, with rubrics and critiques provided for each entry.  As always, it is a FREE event.

*ASB Workshops, of course.  Next summer we will host our regular teacher workshop for first-time attendees, and we will also have our returners-only workshop here in Springfield as well.  But it will feature a few surprises, as always, including a great day trip.  Watch this site for dates and details.

And as for Part 3 of the "Video Coach" series...we have a plan.  We have a plan.



Dave Davis

Dave Davis started a Broadcast Journalism class at Hillcrest High School in the fall of 1989. Since then, the school's student-produced show, "HTV Magazine," has become one of the nation's most-honored high school broadcasts.

In an effort to provide valuable, useful, hands-on instruction to broadcast teachers from across the nation, Davis founded ASB Workshop in the summer of 2000. Since then, the week-long workshop has provided training for hundreds of high school and middle school teachers from 47 states, plus Mexico, England, South Korea, and Japan.

In the spring of 2009 he was named the Springfield (MO) Public Schools Teacher of the Year. He lives in Springfield with wife Martha, and has two daughters who live and work in the area.


New Events Highlight 4-State Conference


One Down, One to Go