Awards Dave Davis Awards Dave Davis

2012 ASB Storytelling Awards


"Crowning Moment"

Blue Valley Southwest, Overland Park, KS
Students: Cassie Johnson, Sam Lemieux, Garrett Becker
Link to Story:

Why it won: "Crowning Moment" featured two very, very strong characters, Sean's mom and friend, who were articulate, engaging, and compelling. Through their words, we got to know Sean and learned about his journey. There was a robust beginning, middle, and end structure supported by strong writing and sequencing. The interviews, along with all of the b-roll, were aptly framed and lighted and there were balanced audio levels throughout. The memorable moment of Sean's announcement as "King" was captured with superb lighting, nat sound, and camera work. The huge payoff at the end of the story was when we got to see and hear Sean tell us in his own words what being voted "King" meant to him. Priceless.



"Now is the Time"


Free Spirit Media, Chicago, IL
Students: Janell Coleman, Janiela McKinney 
Link to Story:

Why it won: “FSM News On the Road: Lookingglass Lab / Now Is the Time” featured a multiple cast of strong and engaging characters who each had articulate and passionate words to covey in telling the story of the Lookingglass Lab theatre program for teens. Strong writing and sound bite sequencing provided effective pacing, creating a comfortable rhythm to the story. The reporter’s mid-story transitional stand-up was relaxed, warm, and effective. There was excellent shot sequencing of wide, medium, and tight along with superb framing, including some ‘WALLDO’ shots, and utilization of the studio and natural lighting available. Crucial nat sound was included and audio levels were balanced throughout. The final bite from Emilio and his description of the impact that art can have truly “wraps a bow” on this outstanding story.

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