ASB Story of the Year

"Coach Olson Suspension"


Mria Coasta High School, Manhattan Beach, CA
Students: Matt Campbell, Robert McMahon
Adviser: Michael Hernandez
Link to Story:

The critiques for the first-ever ASB "Story of the Year" included universal praise from our judges for objectivity, thoroughness of coverage, use of natural sound, strong writing, and strong sound bites.  As any journalism teacher anywhere can attest, covering something like the suspension of a coach accused of abuse presents a number of challenges--challenges faced and met by the student journalists at Mira Costa High School.  Robert McMahon and Matt Campbell from the "Mustang Morning News" are commended for producing a news story that gives all sides an airing, and leaves the viewer fully informed.  It is obvious that the news crew has credibility with school administration, and with the coach himself, so that crucial on-camera interviews could take place.  ASB is extremely honored to recognize the outstanding work by Robert and Matt, and hope it will inspire other high school journalists to approach difficult topics with the same sense of professionalism.

Dave Davis

Dave Davis started a Broadcast Journalism class at Hillcrest High School in the fall of 1989. Since then, the school's student-produced show, "HTV Magazine," has become one of the nation's most-honored high school broadcasts.

In an effort to provide valuable, useful, hands-on instruction to broadcast teachers from across the nation, Davis founded ASB Workshop in the summer of 2000. Since then, the week-long workshop has provided training for hundreds of high school and middle school teachers from 47 states, plus Mexico, England, South Korea, and Japan.

In the spring of 2009 he was named the Springfield (MO) Public Schools Teacher of the Year. He lives in Springfield with wife Martha, and has two daughters who live and work in the area.


Spring 2013 Storytelling Award


Studio Tour: The Bark - Mexico, MO