2023 Contest Prompts
76 Hour Contests
76 Hour Broadcast Story, 76 Hour Movie Maker, 76 Hour Podcast
Earlybird Madness
This is an optional film contest for schools who arrive early on Friday, Nov 1st
Button will go live on Nov 3rd at 6PM
Saturday All-Day Contests
Backpack Journalist, Movie Trailer
Buttons will go live on November 4th at 9:30AM
Saturday Morning Contests
Short Film, Edit the Package, 60-Second Silent, Roving Reporter, Podcast Interview
Buttons will go live on November 4th at 9:30AM
Saturday Afternoon Contests
Spot Feature, PSA, Humorous Segment, Edit the Scene, Cinematographer Challenge
Buttons will go live on November 4th at 3:30PM
Sunday Morning Contests
Anchor Teams, Sports Commentary, 5-Second Film, Music Video
Button will go live on October 30th at 2:00PM CST