Broadcast Workshop + Premiere RegistrationJune 22 - 27, 2025 | Springfield, MOWorkshop: $695Premiere Training: $125Total Earlybird Price: $820Register by March 1stYou have chosen to take the full day Adobe Premiere training on Sunday, June 22. Your workshop will begin at 9AM on Sunday, June 22. Attendee Information Have you previously attended an ASB Workshop? * Choose One Yes, I've attended the broadcasting workshop Yes, I've attended the film workshop It's my first year! Attendee Name * School Name * Attendee Email * Attendee Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Gender * Choose One Female Male Rather Not Say Years Teaching Video / Broadcasting / Film * Link to class website / show / channel, if you have one http:// Three things you hope to learn/improve/experience at the workshop. * Editing software you'll be using next year Level of Experience with that software Choose One Beginner Intermediate Advanced List any food allergies These are items that are dangerous to you and you must avoid. List any dietary restrictions These are items you choose or prefer not to eat. Please provide any important medical or health related information you feel we should know. This will be kept private. What kind of things will your students be doing next year? Or what kinds of things do you hope they will be doing next year? * Select all that apply Journalistic news and feature stories of interest to teens Informational coverage of school activities, sports, events, people Movies, music videos, PSAs, promos, production-oriented pieces Podcast Recording sports events, or doing live sports broadcasts Classroom assignments and shorter video projects In-depth journalistic pieces about teen issues Humor and light entertainment segments/shows I have no idea—that’s why I’m here! How often will your students be producing programming or other content? Select all that apply Daily Weekly Bi-Monthly Monthly No set deadlines Which of these are you familiar with? Select all that apply STN JEA NSPA ASB SKILLS USA Is there anything else you want us to know about you? Billing Instructions Who is paying for you to attend the workshop? Choose One My school / district is paying for me to attend. I am personally paying to attend. Billing Instructions * Choose Billing Option Email attendee an invoice that can be paid via credit card online. Email attendee an invoice and attendee will mail a check. Email "billing contact" an invoice and they will pay via credit card online. Email "billing contact" an invoice and they will mail a check. Other (Explain Below) Special Billing Instructions Name of Billing Contact * Billing Contact Email * Billing Contact Phone Number * (###) ### #### Billing Contact Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country I understand and agree to the following terms: * If I cancel my registration before May 1st I will receive a full refund, minus a $99 cancellation fee. If I cancel my registration on or after May 1st I will not receive a refund of any kind. If this workshop is cancelled by the workshop organizers, I will receive a full refund. Yes, I understand and agree to these terms.